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How Do I Know If I Need a Breast Lift?

As women age and have children, the breasts can change, and sometimes the transformation can be quite dramatic. Over time, the skin loses elasticity, breast volume fluctuates, and gravity can draw the breasts downward, causing them to lose their youthful firmness and shape. For women who would like to restore the shape, volume, and position of their breasts, we offer breast lift surgery. This procedure can also be combined with the placement of breast implants for size augmentation, if desired. While many women are aware that breast lift surgery may be able to help them address their aesthetic concerns, a great many wonder if, in fact, their breasts have reached a stage that qualifies them for the procedure.

There are some general questions that our plastic surgeon – Dr. Mark Pinsky – suggests you ask yourself to help decide if it is time to schedule a breast lift consultation. These include:

  • Have your breasts become deflated due to volume changes associated with pregnancy and/or breastfeeding?
  • Does the majority of your breast hang below the lower crease?
  • Are you dissatisfied with the way your breasts look when you remove your bra? Do they become flat and/or droopy?
  • Are your nipples positioned below the lower breast crease?
  • Are you finished having children?
  • Would you like to regain a rounder shape, higher position, and firmer feel to your breasts?

If you answered yes to at least a couple of these questions, then it may be time to meet with Dr. Pinsky to explore your breast lift options. For additional confirmation, you may want to perform the “pencil test” at home. To conduct this test, you simply stand up straight in front of a mirror with your bra removed and slide a pencil horizontally along the lower crease of the breast. If the pencil is held in place by the breast when you let go, it is likely that you could be a candidate for breast lift. During your consultation with Dr. Pinsky, you will undergo a full physical evaluation and have a chance to communicate your aesthetic concerns and desires. Together, you will review all of the options available for achieving your cosmetic goals.