Nose Surgery – The Nose Knows
When it comes to plastic surgery procedures, the face is one of the most popular areas for aesthetic transformations. Near the top of the facial procedure list is rhinoplasty, more informally known as a “nose job.” New noses appeal to both men and women and continue to rank among the most popular plastic surgery procedures over the last several years. Rhinoplasty can dramatically […]
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Is Liposuction Worth the Price?
Liposuction has been one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures for decades. That may be because, time and again, it has proven to help patients resolve an issue that plagues many people all over the country: isolated pockets of excess fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. The benefits of liposuction are numerous, especially now that the procedure […]
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Male Plastic Surgery is on the Rise
It is no secret that more men are seeking plastic surgery than ever before. So, which procedures are most popular with men, and what kind of changes are we talking about? The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) releases data on plastic surgery procedures and cosmetic treatments annually to let doctors (and the general public) know about the most current […]
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The Skin Care Skinny on Combating Signs of Aging
The sun is a leading contributor to the early aging of your skin. And anti-aging cosmetic treatments are wildly popular with both men and women. You would almost have to be living under a rock (literally!) to be unaware of the importance of protecting your skin, but for many of us, sunscreen and cover-ups are the start and end of […]
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Let Our Plastic Surgeon Help You Find Your Inner Beauty
With today’s modern medical advances in the world of plastic surgery, we tend to focus on all the ways we can make ourselves more beautiful; however, we sometimes forget to focus our attention on the appearance of beauty in other aspects of the world. One occasionally forgotten beautiful art form is poetry. Did you know that April is also Poetry […]
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Arm Lift – Flab No More!
It’s said that all good clothing designers know that the last thing to go on a woman are her shoulders – in other words, designing showcasing bare shoulders look lovely on women of any age. However, right below those lovely shoulders can be some very questionable arms. Very few women love the look of their arms in strapless, spaghetti strap, […]
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Facial Rejuvenation for Your Best Skin Now
Non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatments are becoming more and more popular. Skin treatments are among the most commonly performed procedures for people striving to combat the signs of aging. Whether you are in your 30’s or approaching retirement, non-surgical skin treatments can help you look and feel years younger. The importance of skin care has become well known over the last decade. Whether […]
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Cosmetic Surgery Can Help You Restore the Beauty in You
What is beauty? Day in and day out we are surrounded by trends in cosmetic procedures and images we are told are beautiful, but what does it truly mean? What elements need to be in place for someone or something to be beautiful? It is a common word with a very difficult definition. “Beauty” is hard to define because it […]
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Does Thigh Lift Surgery Give You Perfect Thighs?
Lots of women would like to reshape the way their legs look with plastic surgery options like thigh lift procedures or liposuction. Women are often very critical of their thighs, as evidenced by some well known but unattractive phrases like “saddle-bags” and “thunder-thighs.” Ideal “thigh gap” conversations and comments appear all over social media sites like Twitter, where women are expressing […]
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Considering Arm Lift Surgery for “Flagging” Arms?
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) releases an annual report on aesthetic procedures and trends, but between reports, they conduct regular polls to stay abreast of changing areas of patient interest. While it is no surprise that non-surgical cosmetic treatments, such as BOTOX® Cosmetic and JUVÉDERM®, have seen significant growth and surgical procedures, such as breast augmentation, continue to […]
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