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Smooth Tucks vs. Tummy Tucks

Weight loss challenges may not affect everyone – but it sure seems like they do! Millions would like to change their bodies quickly AND dramatically, but many may not need or want a traditional tummy tuck. For those patients, an alternative is now available: the Smooth Tuck. This procedure is less invasive than a full tummy tuck surgery, focusing more […]

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Daily Sunscreen – Winning the War on Wrinkles

With summer here, it’s time to get the swimsuit, head to the beach and soak up some sun. Make sure when you grab your hat, sunglasses, and cover-up that you don’t forget sunscreen. We’re sure you’ve heard this all before, but it’s still worth repeating. Most of us can easily remember the last time we forgot to bring sunscreen, forgot to […]

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The Future of Fat Removal without Surgery is CoolSculpting®

With plastic surgery acceptance at an all-time high, there are few people who are unaware of what body sculpting is and the benefits it provides to hundreds of thousands of people each year. While liposuction for fat removal can help many people shape their bodies in a way that diet and exercise cannot, it is also a surgical procedure, and requires (small) […]

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Is a Tummy Tuck for You?

Tummy tuck procedures, medically referred to as abdominoplasty, are becoming more common these days. Despite all the talk about healthy living, proper diet, and physical fitness, many people are still bothered by stubborn fatty deposits and a lack of definition in their mid-sections. Age and pregnancy can also play a role in the appearance of your tummy, and sometimes diet […]

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Memorial Day

At Pinsky Plastic Surgery, we could not let the day pass without expressing our thanks and appreciation for those who have given so much in defense of our country and our freedom. Now that the swimming and hot dogs and barbeques are over, it’s the perfect time to reflect on and memorialize the men and women, the husbands and wives, […]

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Differences in Breast Surgeries

For many people considering plastic surgery, there can be some confusion about the differences between a breast lift procedure and breast augmentation. It is common for patients to confuse the benefits of these procedures. Many women begin their plastic surgery consultation thinking they want or need one breast surgery procedure only to find out the other option is more appropriate for their […]

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DualSculpting™ – Maximizing Your CoolSculpting® Results

Are you looking for a way to effectively reduce stubborn pockets of excess fat without invasive surgery? If so, advanced procedures such as DualSculpting™ may be the ideal option. Pinsky Plastic Surgery continues its long-standing tradition of embracing some of the latest technologies by offering a new component to its CoolSculpting® procedure – one that can reduce twice the fat […]

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Preparation is Key to a Successful Facelift Surgery

With so many Baby Boomers looking to extend youthfulness and vitality, facelifts are one of the most popular solutions for facial rejuvenation. While we’ve all seen people who take it too far, most patients are very pleased with their results and happy with a firmer, well-rested appearance. Preparing for a facelift procedure involves much more than simply making the decision […]

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Plastic Surgery for the Right Reasons

For many Americans, plastic surgery has become an important part of their lives. Cosmetic treatments and plastic surgery procedures as part of a beauty regimen has become a mainstream option for millions. However, despite increasing popularity, there are still many misconceptions about what plastic surgery can and cannot do. Aligning expectations and realistic results is critical to ensuring the right […]

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Breast Obsessed?

Each year the American Society of Plastic Surgeons releases its list of the most popular plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments for the previous year. While numbers may change from year to year, one thing is certain: breast augmentation procedures are always near the top of the list. Americans are in love with breasts. Women see them as a sign of their […]

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