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Tyra Banks: “No hesitation about Cosmetic Surgery”

For many years, people have been speculating about Tyra Bank’s looks. Some people believe that she had some help from the doctor especially around the bust line. Did Tyra have a boob job or something? During an interview with Piers Morgan at CNN, Tyra said that she did not have a boob job. She admits that her boobs look like […]

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Firmer “gummy-bear” implants cause concerns among medical professionals

A lot of people have been looking forward to the firmer “gummy-bear” implants which are about to be approved by the FDA. The implants have the consistency of gummy candies which make them less likely to leak even when perforated. However, despite the developers’ assurance that the “gummy bear” implants are safe, a number of medical professionals and observers are […]

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4 Important Things That You Need to Know About Facelifts

A lot of people expect too much from cosmetic procedures that they end up disappointed when these expectations are not met. If you are planning to get a facelift, you need to understand the basic things about the procedure and learn to manage your expectations. Below are some of the important things that you should know about facelift. Facelift is […]

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“Revenge Cosmetic Surgery”: Show Your “Exes” What They Are Missing

“Revenge cosmetic surgery”, as the media calls it, has become very popular in the past couple of years. According to a survey conducted by the National Women’s Health Resource Center, both men and women now turn to the scalpel to improve their looks and boost their self-esteem after a break-up. The survey reveals that the transition from married to single […]

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Breast Reduction and Liposuction: More Nip and Tuck For the Guys

If you think that only women are concerned about their boobs, think again. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the number of breast reduction procedures performed on men has steadily increased in the past two years. In 2010, the number of men who had surgery to reduce the size of their “man boobs” increased by 6 percent. […]

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Retiring baby boomers fuel Male Plastic Surgery Trend

According to the Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the number of male patients who seek plastic surgery significantly increased in 2010. Facelifts among men rose by about 14 percent while male liposuction increased by 7 percent. Retiring baby boomers make up a large percentage of men who had cosmetic surgery in the past two years. According to ASPS President Phillip […]

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Should Women with Breast Implants Breastfeed Their Babies?

Breastfeeding has always been a sensitive issue and women who have breast implants are often the target of unfair criticisms especially from their partners and family members. Sometime last year, Mel Gibson was caught on tape angrily admonishing his girlfriend Oksana Gregorieva for breastfeeding their little daughter Lucia. Mel was angry because Oksana has breast implants and he was of […]

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