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Non-Surgical Facelift Options

The term “non-surgical” facelift seems like a contradiction. How can someone have a facelift without having surgery? While the term can be confusing, the end results are not. For the right candidate, there are many non-invasive procedures that can give the appearance of a facelift procedure. If you are one of the many people who have considered a facial rejuvenation […]

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Cosmetic Surgery After Weight Loss

Don’t we all want to lose weight? People are striving more than ever to lose excess weight and improve their health. Gastric bypass surgery and lap bands have become more common for people struggling with severe obesity. Whether a person achieves a significant weight loss through diet and exercise or through a surgical procedure, they may still be left unsatisfied […]

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Cosmetic Surgery is for Men, Too!

Everyone wants to look and feel their best, even men! While most of us associate cosmetic surgery with women, men can also benefit from aesthetic procedures. Men hit the gym just like women hoping to sculpt their midsections; they fight against Father Time as well. More and more, men are having plastic surgery than ever before and the number continues […]

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Communication is the Key

Any cosmetic surgery procedure is a big decision to consider. The key to making an informed decision is the consultation with your board-certified plastic surgeon. This is your opportunity to speak openly about your goals, your medical history, and ask questions regarding the upcoming procedure. It is not a time to be shy. When it comes to your body, you […]

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Get Your Pre-Baby Body Back With a Mommy Makeover

For many, having children is one of life’s great joys. Bringing a precious little boy or girl into the world becomes a person’s most challenging and rewarding achievement. With all of the wonder and magic that goes along with having a child, so too comes many changes to a woman’s body – not all of which are welcomed! For some […]

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Breast Augmentations Do More Than Increase Size

Generally, breast augmentation surgery is used to create larger, more proportionate breasts and to enhance a woman’s figure and boost confidence. While this is satisfies many patients, it is not the only reason for a woman to consider this procedure. Surgeons have been using breast augmentation surgery to help women with breast-related concerns for some years. It is not unusual […]

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The Truth about Liposuction!

For some people, hours spent in the gym exercising and a sensible diet still can’t take remove the troubling fat deposits in certain areas. It seems that no amount of abdominal crunches or miles ran will help you lose those last few pounds. Understandably, this can be very frustrating. If this sounds like something you’ve dealt with, you could be […]

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The Work Speaks for Itself

Choosing the best plastic surgeon for any cosmetic surgery procedure can be difficult. When considering a cosmetic surgery procedure, always ask to see a doctor’s work! Cosmetic surgery is as much an art as it is a science. The surgeon is reshaping your body in an attempt to achieve your desired appearance. This takes not only expert medical training, but […]

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