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Introducing NeoGraft® Treatment for Hair Loss

Hair loss affects 35million men in the U.S. and 21 million women. Hair grafting of your own hair for hairline and thinning hair restoration has become one of the fastest growing esthetic procedures. Whereas traditional hair transplant methods have relied upon “strip harvesting,” which is a technique that removes large strips of hair from a donor site (such as the […]

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How to Make the Most of Your Eyelid Lift

An eyelift, medically referred to as blepharoplasty, can be performed on the upper or lower eyelid, or both. When performed on the upper eyelid, Dr. Pinsky often removes excess skin and fat, and tightens lax musculature to restore a youthful eyelid contour. The incision is typically concealed within the eyelid crease so that any trace of the procedure is undetectable. […]

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Announcing the Launch of Pinsky Plastic Surgery

Dr. Mark Pinsky is so very proud to announce Pinsky Plastic Surgery. Driven by a desire to cultivate an even more exceptional patient experience, Dr. Pinsky has made the decision to return to solo plastic surgery practice and wishes Dr. Lickstein years of success. Here at Pinsky Plastic Surgery, we’ve made some amazing changes – just for you. With the […]

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Dr. Pinsky Partners with Wren & Roch to Benefit Female Survivors of Abuse

A beautifully made handbag can be more than just a fashion statement. Wren & Roch has created a world-class product line dedicated to strengthening the fight against abuse of females, aiding survivors, and celebrating the courageous women in all of our lives. At our annual party held this past December, we featured the efforts of Wren & Roch, a chic […]

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Cosmetic Injectables: How Long do Results Last?

The length of time that your cosmetic injectable treatments last will depend on a variety of factors. While all manufacturers provide an approximate time range for results, your personal experience will vary based on how quickly your body resorbs the product, how much of the product is injected, and what area of the face it is treating. Wrinkle relaxing products […]

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Who is a Good Candidate for BOTOX® Cosmetic or Dermal Fillers?

Non-surgical treatment with BOTOX® Cosmetic, Dysport®, and dermal fillers can provide outstanding results for men and women who want to reduce visible signs of aging. Injectables are often used to either delay a facelift or extend the results of a facelift. Given that aging is a continuous process, the battle for maintaining a healthy, youthful appearance is ongoing as well. […]

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Is it Possible to Get a Facelift without Surgery?

It’s not really a fair question, but you may have heard about this as a “liquid lift”. The liquid facelift is a non-surgical cosmetic enhancement procedure that has gained popularity in recent years. During this treatment our plastic surgeon, Mark Pinsky, MD, utilizes a variety of injections (dermal fillers and wrinkle reducers) to achieve facial rejuvenation. If you are considering a […]

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FAQ: Cellfina™ Cellulite Solution

Dr. Mark Pinsky answers questions our patients frequently ask about Cellfina™: How does Cellfina™ work? By releasing fibrous bands that span the fat layer, connecting the superficial skin to the lower layers of dermal tissue, Cellfina™ treats the appearance of cellulite at its source. Once the tension caused by this connective tissue is relieved, cellulite dimpling along the skin can […]

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What is Cellfina™?

At Pinsky Plastic Surgery, our patients can now effectively target and minimize the appearance of cellulite with an innovative treatment called Cellfina™. Cellulite is one of the most common cosmetic concerns among women in the United States, and the condition affects 85% of those between the ages of 25-54. Contrary to popular belief, cellulite is not an accumulation of fat […]

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How Many Areas Can You Treat in One Liposuction Session?

While there is no steadfast limit to how many areas can be treated in one liposuction session, most sessions tend include a maximum of three to four areas. However, regardless of the number of areas treated, most plastic surgeons generally limit fat removal to five liters per session for the patient’s safety. Typically, when multiple areas of the body are […]

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