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Scar revision

Hello, I had a mole removed on my chest 3 weeks ago, after the stitches were removed I was left with what looks like rail road track. I know the scar is still fresh an healing, was wondering at what point work do be a good candidate for scar revision as it is making e extremely self conscious. Also can […]

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Juvaderm XC

I have deep wrinkles and was injected with 2 units of Juvederm and I do not see the difference. Could you give me your advice.

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Why is Breast Augmentation So Popular?

Breast augmentation continues to be one of the most sought after cosmetic surgery procedures. As the demand for plastic surgery procedures increases 5%-10% or more, breast augmentation is always at the top of the list. What is it about this operation that makes it so popular? The reasons women seek out breast augmentation procedures have been discussed in this blog […]

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Real Answers to Your Plastic Surgery Questions

Deciding to move forward with a cosmetic procedure can be difficult. There is so much information that needs to be gathered in order to make the best possible decision. This information can be overwhelming. Ideally everyone would have their own personal plastic surgeon on hand to answer any and all questions one might have. Thanks to Pinsky Plastic Surgery, your […]

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Is Liposuction Permanent?

For those people who exercise regularly, unwanted body fat can still be an issue. Localized fat deposits can resist even the best diet and exercise plans. Fortunately there are cosmetic procedures available that can help target these troublesome fat deposits. Patients always wonder: Is fat removal permanent? When it comes to liposuction the answer is yes! According to a new […]

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How to Evaluate Your Cosmetic Surgeon

There is plenty of talk about doing your research before any cosmetic surgery procedure. Being prepared prior to having a plastic surgery operation will ensure the best possible understanding of the process and satisfaction with the results. Even before committing to have a procedure, there are things one should do to prepare, and some red flags to avoid. In prior […]

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Cosmetic Surgery in College

Classes chosen? Check! Books purchased? Check! Breast augmentation surgery? Excuse me? Cosmetic surgery procedures are becoming a back-to-school must have for many students entering into college. Having graduated not only from high school but from childhood, young adults are looking to make the changes they may have wanted for some time as they chart out the future that lays ahead […]

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Cosmetic Surgery Maintenance Tips

There is no fountain of youth, but advances in facial and body rejuvenation procedures can keep people looking young. Plastic surgery is more popular than ever and the industry as a whole continues to grow. The newest techniques and technology has made staying young more accessible and safer than it has ever been. Once the procedure is over and the […]

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Why Women Seek Breast Augmentation

The single, most popular cosmetic procedure remains breast augmentation. In 2011, more than 316,000 women had breast augmentation surgery and 127,000 women had breast lifts. The breast is intimately associated with a woman’s sense of self and sexuality, and may explain why breast related cosmetic surgery is as popular as it is. There are many reasons women seek out cosmetic […]

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