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Fresh, Youthful Facial Skin Without Surgery

No matter how hard we might try to prevent it, we all grow older. Father Time looms over all of us, and one of the first places people tend to show the passage of time is on their face. As birthdays pass, age lines increase, jowls develop, and areas that were once full of life seem a little less vibrant. […]

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When to Embrace Plastic Surgery for Children

Plastic surgery for children is a hotly debated topic. The news is ripe with stories of young men and women seeking procedures to enhance or augment their bodies, well before their adult years. In many cases, it is best to wait until a patient has finished growing before making significant changes to his or her body. However, there is one […]

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Harvesting Fat for Cosmetic Surgery

When it comes to fat, almost everyone is eager to get rid of a bit of their own. The mere mention of the word is enough to make many people cringe. It’s a dirty word that nobody wants anything to do with – unless that person is a cosmetic surgeon! To a plastic surgeon, body fat might just be liquid […]

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New Silicone Gel Minimizes Scarring After Surgery

While plastic surgeons go to great lengths to develop their craft, learn new techniques, and earn the proper certifications, they are factors that affect healing that are difficult to predict, and not always easily controlled with good surgical technique. While many steps can be taken to ensure that the healing process goes smoothly, the quality of scars also depends on […]

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chin neck lift

I am 56 yrs old in good health. i have a Kirk Douglass dimple that i have always hated. now i am older i also need neck facelift is there any way to take out some of the extra skin of the dimple while doing neck/facelift and approx cost? also i have very droopy eyelids(as well as other things) would […]

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Types of Breast Implant Incisions

Breast augmentation procedures are among the most popular plastic surgery operations performed in the U.S. Each year hundreds of thousands of women seek to enhance their breasts with the placement of implants and the number continues to grow each year. When it comes to breast augmentation procedures, women are always concerned about the location of the incisions, and resulting scars. […]

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Facial and Cosmetic Procedures for Men

While a lot of attention in the plastic surgery industry is given to women, there are a growing number of men seeking procedures for a variety of reasons. Whether it is to boost confidence or to further their career, men (like women) are seeking cosmetic treatments more than ever before. Plastic surgeons are beginning to see a record number of […]

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Options for Breast Implant Shapes

Plastic surgeons have been performing breast augmentation surgery since 1963 and the tools and techniques associated have improved significantly over the years. The most common techniques and implants used today are safer than they have ever been, and as a result, more and more women continue to seek out breast augmentation procedures every year. Despite the improvements in the safety […]

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Tummy Tucks and Pregnancy

Body contouring procedures such as abdominoplasty (also known as a “tummy tuck”) are among the most popular plastic surgery procedures. Tummy tuck procedures are particularly popular among mothers looking to regain their pre-pregnancy bodies as part of the latest “mommy make-over” trend. While tummy tuck procedures are very successful in helping women get their bodies back after having children, many […]

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