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FDA Approval has Passed On a New Breast Implant

The plastic surgery industry has seen a 5% increase in the last year. This is in large part due to an increase in non-invasive procedures such as Botox injections. While non-invasive treatments are on the rise, one surgical procedure continues to be the most popular plastic surgery procedure again in 2012. Breast augmentations remain as popular as they have ever […]

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New Study on Tummy Tuck Surgery Predicts Health Benefits

Fluctuations in weight or pregnancy can leave a woman’s midsection protruding or sagging with loose skin. This is a result of the over stretched skin and a weakening of the abdominal muscles. This can make a woman feel self-conscious, particularly as the warm weather approaches and bathing suit season looms right around the corner. Fortunately, there is a solution for […]

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The Popularity of Cosmetic Surgery Continues to Rise

The plastic surgery industry has been an expanding and innovative industry for decades. 2012 saw a record number of patients seeking out cosmetic surgery to treat a variety of aesthetic needs. With more than 14.6 million cosmetic treatments performed in 2012 alone, the field of plastic surgery saw a 5% increase since 2011. All in all, 2012 was a banner […]

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Coolsculpting: The Latest in Non-Invasive Fat Removal

As more and more people strive to get healthy, they continue to look for their next ally in the battle against the bulge. Despite the best diet and exercise routine, some people are left with areas of fat that just will not go away. With so many people leading such busy lives, surgical treatments just aren’t practical for everyone. The […]

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Under eye surgery

What is the down time from my office after having the under eye surgery to remove fat deposits? How long is the surgery? Approximately a ballpark number of the estimated cost? Thanks

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Coolsculpting to Freeze Your Fat Away!

Now offered at Pinsky Plastic Surgery, Coolsculpting® is a revolutionary body contouring procedure that freezes the fat away! No surgery, no downtime, no fad diet; just naturally eliminated fat cells from your body through a FDA-cleared, safe, and clinically proven cosmetic treatment. Call Pinsky Plastic Surgery today for a consultation to learn more about this new non-invasive body sculpting technique. […]

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Not all Board Certified Doctors are Plastic Surgeons

Board-certification is a significant achievement for any surgeon. To become board-certified, doctors must demonstrate their knowledge, as well as their commitment to excellence among their peers. The guidelines are strict and the bar is set high. This puts board-certified doctors among the elite in the healthcare field. However, when it comes to plastic and cosmetic surgery, there are many physicians […]

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Breast Lift vs. Augmentation, Which is Right for You?

As time passes, the signs of aging begin to show in a variety of ways. One of the first places we see our age progressing is on our faces in the form of fine lines and sagging skin. However, our faces are not the only areas of the body that fall victim to the aging process. For women, advancing years […]

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