Plastic Surgery and Great Expectations
For the ever growing number of people who turn to plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments each year to look and feel their best, every day brings new advances in both techniques and products. Increases in choice allow more people to find a procedure that fits their goals, timeline and budget. At Pinsky Plastic Surgery, we are not only aware of […]
Continue Readingdo you use drains for male breast reduction?
hello my name is Ryan and I am looking for a doctor for male breast reduction. I live in the gardens area. Many doctors have not replied to me. I am set on having the procedure done but i just want to find a doctor that i am comfortable with.During my consultation will I be able to see more before […]
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Exciting Possibilities for New Dermal Filler
With the field of plastic surgery more popular than ever, new products, techniques, and procedures are being developed every day. Researchers are constantly on the hunt for new and exciting ways to help patient’s achieve their body aesthetic and anti-aging goals, as simply and effectively as possible. As such, the FDA has recently recommended approval of a new product that […]
Continue ReadingSleeping Beauty Cosmetic Treatment Bonus
We are offering you the gift of beauty! Enjoy one of our beauty bonus cosmetic treatment gifts to you when you get another cosmetic surgery at Pinsky Plastic Surgery. Please choose from: 1 area of Botox 1 box of Latisse 1 syringe of Juvederm $125 in Skin Care Products Schedule your plastic surgery procedure today!
Continue ReadingRestoring and Enhancing the Body Through Cosmetic Surgery – Infographic
Pinsky Plastic Surgery recently found this great infographic, chalked full of statistics and information on cosmetic surgery. We liked it so much, we thought our patients would appreciate it as well!
Continue ReadingA “Hands Down” Winner!
Faces, necks and hands are some of the first places where age makes its visible presence known. But it seems like hands are too frequently ignored. Sure there are hand creams but no one seems to focus on making sure your hands and face look like they are the same age. It’s got to stop! There are a variety of […]
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You’ve Got the Power!
Have you noticed that many healthcare providers wear special magnifying lenses for examinations or procedures? Your Dentist does, your Surgeon does perhaps your Dermatologist – if your plastic surgeon is Dr. Mark Pinsky he definitely wears special magnifying lenses for surgery! I guess what I’m trying to say is: They’ve got the power! Why shouldn’t you? If you’re a man or […]
Continue ReadingYou Ought’a Be in Pictures
Seems like everywhere you go someone is holding out a smart phone snapping pictures. And what’s worse, they’re posting and sharing the pictures on the World Wide Web! If you are one of those “I don’t look good in pictures” people, then you’re like a lot of people over the age of 30. Younger people can’t get enough of snapping […]
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Popular Cosmetic Procedures to Age Graceful and Distinguished
Back “in the day” plastic surgery was a tool for the rich and famous to fight back the appearance of age. Today, surgical procedures and non-invasive cosmetic treatments has become an accepted option for anyone wishing to maintain a more youthful, rested appearance. While options and acceptance may be advancing, it seems like some things never change – like gender […]
Continue Readinghow big do i have to be before you perform plastic surgery on a person and whats the cost.
my name is delores and i weight about 215lb now i am 5ft 8in. and is very insecure about myself now. i use to be very atheletic and now i feel very lazy. I just had a birthday in which i am 44yrs of age. i would love to loose some weight in the abdomen area but i have no […]
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