A smoother, more slender waistline is a common cosmetic goal among individuals who struggle with both excess fat and skin in the abdomen. In many cases, changes in diet and exercise do not provide adequate improvement in the waistline. The Sleek Tuck procedure combines high-volume liposuction with the removal of excess, overhanging skin to give the abdomen a smoother, firmer appearance. When abdominal fat exceeds a particular volume, one of our board-certified plastic surgeons may advise against an approach like tummy tuck surgery (which involves surgical tightening of the underlying abdominal musculature) in favor of a Sleek Tuck as a more appropriate method for renewing the appearance of the abdominal area. For many patients, Sleek Tuck can also deliver results with less visible scarring, post-operative discomfort, and downtime than traditional tummy tuck procedures.