Recovering from a Lower Body Lift
After the lower body lift, you should expect for moderate discomfort that can be minimized or managed through a pain medication prescribed by your surgeon. In addition, subcutaneous pain catheters will be utilized to deliver a local anesthetic to the areas surrounding the incision for the first three days after surgery. Patients are encouraged to begin walking around immediately to reduce the risks of swelling and blood clots, while you can shower after two days. Immediately following the procedure, you may notice immediate improvement in your figure, but bruising and swelling are both normal.
Most patients who receive the lower body lift are able to return to normal work activities after two or three weeks of rest. Since the recovery period varies from individual to individual, we will be able to set an appropriate time line for your specific circumstances. If your surgeon used sutures that are not the dissolving type, the sutures will need to be removed after 10 to 14 days. Bandages are taken off after one to four days, and the drains are removed after two weeks. When liposuction is added into the surgery, we will have you wear a supportive binding garment for a determined timeframe.
Within the first few weeks the bruising will begin to fade away, although the swelling may remain for up to nine months total. You should expect experiencing numbness in the skin surrounding the incisions from the lower body lift to gradually return over the course of up to two years. Scars typically worsen for the first three to six weeks, but they should become more flat and skin-colored within nine to twelve months. All of the lasting scars are specifically positioned in an area where they can simply be concealed by underwear or bikini bottoms.
*After recovering from the lower body lift, you should expect to notice the final results between six months to a year after the procedure concludes. In the end, you will achieve tighter, firmer, and smoother skin without excess fat in your targeted areas for a more appealing appearance. *These results can become long-lasting with the assistance of a healthy balanced diet, exercise regimen, and weight stabilization.
*Individual Results May Vary