

Hello, My name is Danielle and I am interested in getting breast implants. I was just wondering though roughly around how much are you charging?

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full tummy tuck

Sounds like you may be a candidate for a tummy tuck. Feel free to call the office to schedule a consultation – we can review all the options then. It can be better!

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I would like to know how much a mini tummy tuck usually costs, and what are the terms required for a person to get one, verses a full tummy tuck … I’m 135lbs with no much fat just skin. Very few people are truly good candidates for a mini tummy tuck. The best candidates have lax skin that is only […]

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Mini face lifts

Do you perform mini face lifts, specifically, tightening the neck area? What is the price range? We do perform short scar face lifts in addition to more traditional approaches. It really depends on the patient and the degree/location of laxity. The range varies greatly depending on the procedure. Thanks for the question.

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The Physical and Psychological Benefits of Breast Reconstruction

Breast cancer is an illness that will affect up to 232,000 women in 2013. In some of these cases, mastectomy will be necessary to ensure that the cancer will not spread. Breast removal can be a traumatic surgery for many women, but advances in reconstructive surgery allow surgeons to restore their appearance and their self-image. Understanding Breast Reconstruction Breast reconstruction […]

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More Men Seeking Plastic Surgery Procedures

Brotox. Chinplant. Executive surgery. The rapid rise in the number of men undergoing plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures has spawned its own verbal shorthand. No longer reserved for politicians and Hollywood actors, cosmetic surgery is going mainstream with American men. In 2011, the most recent year complete statistics are available, over 800,000 men underwent cosmetic procedures, either surgical or minimally […]

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Give Yourself Time to Heal After Breast Implants

Breast augmentation surgery requires a certain period of healing and recovery to ensure that the incisions heal and allow swelling to dissipate. Breast implants placed under the breast generally heal faster than implants placed under the muscle. Breast implant surgery requires several weeks before healing is complete. Give yourself the full amount of time to heal, generally from 10 days […]

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Keeping You and Your Skin Out of Harm’s Way

The Texas legislature recently clamped down on minors using tanning beds with a strict new law. The law, which took effect September 1, removed the exception for minors with parental consent to tan and now bans youths under 18 from using tanning beds altogether. Texas joins ten other states in prohibiting tanning bed use among minors; only 11 states have […]

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What the Bags Under Your Eyes Say About You

As time passes, many people look in the mirror and notice that they have developed bags under their eyes that make them look tired and older. This loose skin under the eyes may be because of a genetic predisposition or it may be because of certain lifestyle habits. Unfortunately, these heavy pockets of skin often make others think you are […]

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